Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday's things

It's days like this...and by "days like this" I mean, 70 degree days slipped in on us...nestled amongst the freezing, dreary winter days that make us do something sure to break our hearts. Days when the sun shines so brightly and the warmth is palpable we dare to dream that we're on the cusp of Spring. Though I know we're barely into winter days and that there will come a time in the near future when we'll hardly remember Spring. But, today...I did it. I imagined that we were about to welcome Spring,, snowballed into dreaming about long days at the beach with windburned faces and hearts aglow with that new found love of Spring. Alas, just like any new love...the excitement will eventually fade as the temps creep back down into the teens. And so, the mistletoe is barely put away and I'm already dreaming of dipping my toe into the waters of Spring! didn't help that the new J.Crew catalog came today and it's filled with enough bathing suits and bright colors to light all your winter days!

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