Change is something we cross the street to avoid here in the South, but...what happens when the change is for the better, or...just makes us feel better? Sometimes I feel sad for the life I imagined I would have... filled, inspiring, parties galore...but then it's at those lowest points that I realize I don't have to feel down and out about what hasn't been...rather, I can make it happen. So I've decided that I will slowly but surely make a change... I (read...the husband or someone...anyone) will paint the den...where we spend almost all of our time as it also doubles as our dining room, entryway, and toy repository. Though it's "granny smith" green walls have served us well, I'm yearning for something more...or, er...less. I think I'll take up a new art driven hobby...maybe photography... and until I can talk the Husband into a Nikon...I have a Polaroid instant camera and film...and I'm gonna use it so watch out! I'm gonna buy canvas, drag out my paints and set the Toddler in motion...why not? Then I'm gonna clean out all the "stuff" we no longer use or want. I feel like those things are weighing me down...they're robbing me of my enthusiasm to tidy up as I don't even know where to begin! We live in a teeny house yet have acquired enough stuff to fill an Acadian mansion situated on the banks of Lake Pontchartrain, grounds covered in moss draped live, anyway...and as I type this I know the attic beams above me are smiling (read...about to burst) down just knowing that I'm going to stop breaking it's back with...stuff. So get ready...I'm gonna throw away and tag some stuff...maybe there will be something you'll want...if you're'll get an email under separate cover regarding an eventual tag sale...stay tuned. I long for a house where everything has it's place...clean lines...functional yet comfortable. Not modern but not melodramatic either. And last but not least...parties...I'm going to stop waiting for the invitations in the mail and start making my own own invitations to send out. Why not, right? And, why not themed parties? Everyone loves a "reason" to party right? Not just an over-the-top party but an intimate gathering of friends an noisemakers and hats and possibly wigs and maybe champagne with crazy straws and homemade photo booths...the possibilities are endless. And so, as I type this on a dreary day when the rain will soon begin and continue for days...I'm excited about the changes. I'm excited to get out of the funk and make the things happen that I want in my life cause ain't nobody gonna do it for me!
image credit: psychology today
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